CIAL360 improves risk management processes by providing the necessary evaluations to effectively analyze customers and suppliers.

Customer Service

At CIAL we have a support team that can help you with questions about the service, platform, account balance or reports. You have three options to get in touch:

CIAL360 platform

On the CIAL360 platform, you can find the Help section in the top right corner. Here, you’ll be able to access the knowledge base, video tutorials, and the Chat and Support section, where you can chat live* with our support team or submit a ticket, and they’ll respond to you via email as soon as possible.

*Live chat is enabled only during business hours and business days.

CIAL Website

You can also open a ticket on the official CIAL website; on the top right corner of the site you'll find the Customer Access button. In that drop-down menu, select Customer Support to fill out the form and let us know the type of support you need.

  • Central America & Caribbean: +1 954-507-1116
  • Argentina: +54 11 5984-2700
  • Brazil: +55 11 4933-7500
  • Mexico: +52 55 4166 3000
  • Peru: +51 1 7063200

*Phone support is available only during business hours and business days.

What is a D-U-N-S Number?

The D-U-N-S Number is a unique 9-digit identifier created by Dun & Bradstreet to assign a commercial identity to businesses worldwide. It functions like a business passport, facilitating commercial transactions and ensuring your business is uniquely and reliably identified.

The D-U-N-S, which stands for Data Universal Numbering System, is used to maintain up-to-date and timely information on more than 460 million global businesses. A D-U-N-S Number identifies a company’s Dun & Bradstreet business credit file, which may include firmographic data (company name, address, phone number, etc.), corporate family relationships (headquarters, branches, subsidiaries, etc.), and scores and ratings that assess different financial health indicators.

Learn more about our plans here.

Ratings, Scores and Indicators


The score is a predictive numerical expression based on statistical analysis that indicates the probability that a company will perform in a specific way in the future. The score requires a set of random and representative data.


The indicator is a static numerical expression based on the analysis of historical data that indicates how the business has performed during the observed period. The indicator can be developed based on data on demand.


It is a classification or ranking of someone or something based on a comparative evaluation of its quality, level or performance.

Why are scores and indicators important?

They are a great tool to evaluate the credit capacity of a company. They are used by Financial institutions, business partners, credit card companies, among others. The main reason why they are used so frequently is because they help companies make more informed and accurate decisions related to:

  • Reduce risks: have the exact information about the right businesses.
  • Greater efficiency: frequent updates to ensure that information is up to date.
  • Increased sales: higher sales and profits.
  • Increased speed: provide breadth and depth of data.
  • Greater consistency: consistent data around the world.

You can find our scores and indicators guide here.

What is the Trade Portal?

Trade Portal is the platform included with CIAL360 contracts to enrich the evaluations of your clients, allowing you to understand, monitor and analyze the payment behavior of your accounts receivable with other companies. It has no additional cost for CIAL360 users.

  • Compare the payment behavior of your clients with that of other companies, anticipating the risks.
  • Apply segmentations and filters to your portfolio to monitor payment behavior.
  • Understand payments' performance per individual client.
  • Visually monitor how the payments of your clients compare with those of others and with those in the industry.

For more information you can schedule an appointment here.

How can I change my password?

To change the password for your CIAL360 account, click your name in the top right corner, and then click Account. You will be automatically redirected to your new account page.

  1. Click on the menu in the top left corner .
  2. Under Personal information, click Password / Security.
  3. Complete the 3 fields and press Save.

Your password has been changed.

I did not receive my password, how can I request it?

It is not necessary to request it. After registering your account, our team will send you an email to verify your profile, once you do that the platform will ask you to create a password.


If for some reason you do not receive our verification email, you can click Forgot your password? and follow the instructions to receive a link.

How can I go from CIAL Accounts to CIAL360?

You can now go directly back to the CIAL360 Dashboard from CIAL Accounts! To do this, click on the menu next to your name in the top right corner, and then click CIAL360.

How can I invite a new user in CIAL360?

To invite a new user, go to your CIAL Accounts by clicking on your Name in the top right corner, then Account:

  1. Click on the menu in the top left corner In Administration, click on Users, then click on the button + Add.
  2. Fill in the email and role type and click Save. This user has been invited to your CIAL360 account.
  3. Once you've requested access for new users, they will be sent an activation email so they can set their passwords.
  4. You can also resend invitations to users by clicking the Resend button, or remove users by clicking the box next to their name and clicking Remove at the bottom of the page.

NOTE: you must be a Company Administrator to edit users in your account.

How can I remove a user in CIAL360?

To delete a user, go to CIAL Accounts by clicking on your Name  in the upper right corner, then Account:

  1. Click on the Users option located in the left menu.
  2. Under Users, click the checkbox of the user you wish to remove.
  3. Click the red Delete button.

NOTE: you must be a Company Administrator to edit users in your account.

How can I manage permissions?

You can now easily manage permission settings and change user permission type in CIAL Accounts if you are an administrator.

Go to CIAL Accounts, click on the menu in the top left corner and, on the Administration tab, click Permission policies to see the different access levels available.

To create a new group
  1. Go to Groups and click on + Add.
  2. Give your group a name and a description.
  3. Select the types of permissions this group will have.
  4. In the Users tab, select the people who will be part of the group.
  5. Click Save when you're done.
If you need to make adjustments to a group, its permissions or its users
  1. Find the group you want to modify and click the Edit button.
  2. Make the necessary changes.
  3. When you're done, click Save to ensure that your changes are applied.
To delete a group

Find the group you want to remove, click Edit and then Delete group.

How can I search for a company?

On the main page you will find a quick search bar, search for a company using any of the following criteria:

  • Company name or business name
  • D-U-N-S number
  • Tax identification number (Tax ID)

If you find the company in the quick search engine, click on the result.

If you cannot find the company you are looking for, click See all results or press Enter to see all the search results.

If the search still returns no results, you have the following options:

  • Verify that the data you're using is correct (for example, search with the legal name and not the tradestyle).
  • Request a new investigation for the company in question.

When you're unable to find the company you are looking for, it means that this business does not have a D-U-N-S number yet and is not listed in our database. In these cases CIAL360 will offer you the possibility of requesting a new report. For a step-by-step guide on how to do this you can read the "Can't find a company?” section of our knowledge base.

Can't find a company?

Millions of companies are created in the world every year, so it is impossible for us to collect all this information immediately, which is why we also update our data on demand. If the record is not found in the database, it means that you are the first person to request information from this company. The legend of "We're sorry! Your search does not return any results" will appear.

How can I request a report if the company can't be found?

When this happens, you can request that an investigation be carried out for the first time for these companies.

  1. Click Can't find a company? and then click the Order report button.
  2. Fill out all the fields of the form, if you do not know the answer to any field, you can fill it in with an "X" to continue.
  3. In the comments section you can add notes for the CIAL D&B analysts, such as contact data or any relevant detail that can help during the investigation. In the reference field you can add internal notes for you to identify the request later.
  4. Select whether you want the name of your company to be revealed in the investigation or not.
  5. Click Request report.

We suggest you use the company's tax ID to make sure that it is not already in our database, sometimes companies use their commercial name to identify themselves or have recently changed their company name.

Multiple companies with the same name and different D-U-N-S numbers

There are 2 main reasons for this situation:

  • Our database registers main offices (headquarters) and branches separately. These records will have the same name and Tax ID, but different DUNS Numbers.
  • It is possible that a company's record was accidentally duplicated; you can request the report on any of these records and our team will clean up the database and deliver the correct DUNS Number.

NOTE: our team always delivers the report of the headquarters even if you request the report of a branch, the reason for this is that HQ reports contain the most information about the company and also include details on any branches registered. If you need the report of a branch, you can reach out to our support team and they can review if an exception is possible before you place your order.

Why does the company registration have a different address than the one I have?

There are 2 main reasons for this situation:

  • Similar to when we do not have information for a company, we may not have the most recent information available in the database.
  • It is possible that the address you have corresponds to a branch and not to the main office (headquarters) or vice versa.

If you are not sure which registry to choose and do not want to review one by one, you can request a new investigation with the information you have, in the comments indicate that you want the information from the headquarters.

How can I identify a company if the search results show more than one option?

As companies grow, they begin to develop a corporate family. If you do a search by TAX ID, for example, there will be times when the search shows more than one result, this is because the company may have headquarters, branches and/or unique sites.

One way to identify that the company you are looking for is the correct one is by validating the labels that appear next to the company name.

  • Headquarters location: a headquarters (HQ) is a centralized location where a company's management operate and oversee overall business activities. This HQ will also have branches or divisions reporting to it and is financially responsible for those branches or divisions.
  • Single location: a company that operates from a single physical location.
  • Branch location: a secondary location to the headquarters. It has no legal responsibility for the debts, although invoices can be paid from a branch. With branches, the BIR has limited information.

Additionally, there are two other tags that can let you know the status of the company:

  • Active
  • Out of business

How can I request a report?

Search for the company you want to request the report by trade name, DUNS, TAX ID or company name. There are two ways to order a report:

On the search results page
  1. In the search results list, identify the company you're looking for and click the order report icon.
  2. There are different types of reports according to the region. Select the report you want to obtain and click the Order button.
On the company page
  1. On the company page from which you need to request information, scroll down to the Order reports section.
  2. There are different types of reports according to the region. Select the report you want to obtain and click the Order button.

The platform will indicate the SLA for the delivery of the report depending on the availability of the company's information.

If the report is not up to date

If the report is not updated, a new window will open for you to add complementary information and request an investigation.

  1. In the Add a comment field you can add notes for our CIAL analysts, for example if you have the name of a contact, the phone number or any relevant detail that should be considered during their research.
  2. In the Add reference field, you can include internal notes only visible for your company.
  3. Click Request report: once you click this last button the status will change to Request pending and you will see the report order in the Reports section of the menu.

NOTE: if the company you are looking for does not appear in the list of results, it is because it's not registered in the CIAL database. In this case, click Can't find a company? to request an inquiry. Please note that conducting an investigation on a company that is not in the CIAL D&B database will take a few days.

For some inquiries, the option to disclose/not disclose the name of your company to the investigated company will be enabled.

How can I see my reports?

Once you have ordered a report, the entire history of reports requested by your company will appear in the section called Reports inside the Insights tab.

This section will allow you to filter, sort and view the columns according to your preference. You can customize this table to view the fields that are more important to you, just click the gear icon and select the columns you want to see/hide.

How can I see the status of a report I requested?

The report table has different columns that allow you to know in detail the information of the report that was requested. There you will find a column called Report status, there are four options for this column:

  • Delivered: the report is now available to view, download, share and/or update.
  • Waiting: the report was requested and is in the process of being updated.
  • Assigning DUNS: this status will appear when the company is not listed in our database and our team is in the process of veryfing if the company exists in order to assign it a DUNS Number.
  • Review needed: this status will appear when it is not possible to verify the existence of the company you requested and we will not be able to provide you with a report. When this happens you will receive an email notification and you will have to make a new request with additional data (such as the Tax ID).

If you want to know in more detail the status of a report, there is a column called Ticket Identification. With this ID you can request support or more information by opening a case with our customer service team.

How can I request the update of a report?

The platform allows updates to the information in the reports by requesting an investigation (the estimated delivery time will depend on the country, but the average time is 7 to 10 working days). There are two ways to do this:

From the company's information

In most cases, the platform will show the date of the last update and the date of the last financial statements available (if any). When a company's report has been recently updated (last 12 months), the platform will  only display the button to order the existing report.

If you need the report to be updated, follow these steps to request a new investigation:

  1. Click the Order button to request the report already available. If you previously requested the report, you can skip to step 3.
  2. Wait for the report to be delivered to your account (approximately 1 hour), you will receive a notification via email once it's ready.
  3. Click the Request update button: once you click this last button the status will change to Order pending.

NOTE: when you choose to Request an update, if an incomplete report is issued (with the exception of cases where the company declined to provide information or ask us to sign an NDA), the analyst will follow up for an additional 30 calendar days. During this time, the investigated party can deliver the missing information; if it is obtained, the report will be delivered again at no extra charge, otherwise, monitoring will be terminated. In the event that the respondent wants to provide their information after this period, you will be have to make a new request to obtain the complete report.

From the reports section in the "actions" column

In the left panel, in the Insights tab, click on Reports. There, you will find a list of all the reports that have been requested. In the Actions column, you can identify whether a report you ordered has been delivered or if it is pending. If it was already delivered, you can request an update to start a new investigation.

When you click the Request update button, a new window will open for you to add complementary information and request an investigation.

  1. In the Add a comment field you can add notes for our CIAL analysts, for example if you have the name of a contact, the phone number or any relevant detail that should be considered during their research.
  2. In the Add reference field, you can include internal notes only visible for your company.
  3. Click Request report: once you click this last button the status will change to Request pending.

Why are some report types  only available in certain countries?

Our reports are handled locally, that is, they are in managed by the responsible office of the country where the company is located. The types of reports, as well as some scores and indicators, respond to the specific needs of that market, as well as the sources of information available.

CIAL tip

Although the reports address specific needs of a market, there are similar or equivalent types of reports, for example, the BIR.

Types of reports in LATAM

  • Business Information Report (BIR): report on financial analysis and interpretation of potential partners.
  • Compliance Findings Report (CFR): verification of Due Diligence for compliance and reputational behavior.
  • CIAL Key Report (CKR): financial risk analysis report to evaluate key data of a company with which you wish to do business.
  • Credit Analysis Report (CAR): detailed information on a company's financial condition, payment behavior, and risk level, along with a credit recommendation.
  • Supplier Qualifier Report (SQR): a detailed assessment of the financial, legal, or operational situation and key areas of interest for decision-makers.
  • Quick Check Report (QCR): concise report of a company's registration data, legal actions, and identification information. It's the perfect option for pre-checks of the entire portfolio.
  • CIAL D&B Analytical Profile: an objective summary of the company with information from the CIEC database.
  • Compliance Quick Check (CQC): report that connects the main national sources, sanction lists, certificates, and processes.
Reports available per country
  • Business Information Report (BIR)
  • Business Information Report Comprehensive  (BIR Comprehensive)
  • CIAL Compliance Report N2
  • CIAL Compliance Report N3
  • CIAL Key Report Plus
  • CIAL Key Report (CKR)
  • Compliance Findings Report (CFR)
  • Compliance Findings Report Light
  • Compliance Quick Check
  • Credit Analysis Report (CAR)
  • Quick Check Report (QCR)
  • Supplier Qualifier Report (SQR)
  • Business Information Report (BIR)
  • Business Information Report Comprehensive (BIR Comprehensive)
  • Compliance Findings Report (CFR)
  • Perfil analítico CIAL D&B
Argentina, Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru
  • Business Information Report (BIR)
  • Business Information Report Comprehensive (BIR)
  • CIAL Key Report (CKR)
  • Compliance Findings Report (CFR)
  • Credit Analysis Report (CAR)
  • Supplier Qualifier Report (SQR)
  • Business Information Report (BIR)
  • Business Information Report Comprehensive (BIR)
  • Compliance Findings Report (CFR)
  • Credit Analysis Report (CAR)
  • Supplier Qualifier Report (SQR)
Paraguay, Uruguay, Central America and the Caribbean
  • Business Information Report (BIR)
  • Business Information Report Comprehensive (BIR Comprehensive)
  • Compliance Findings Report (CFR)
  • Credit Analysis Report (CAR)
  • Supplier Qualifier Report (SQR)

Some reports can only be ordered if your company resides in the same country the report is available in.

Understanding a report

Once the report is available on the platform in the Reports section, click the View report button.

A new page will open with the report, and a dynamic menu will be enabled at the top. In this menu you can find the Appendices section, depending on the report you have requested, you will find a description of the indicators, scores and terms that we use to show those results.

Check here the list of reports available by country and our Guide to Indicators and Scores for a better understanding of the reports.

What does reveal and not reveal company name mean?

When you request a new investigation to update a report, the option to reveal the name or not will be enabled. You will be able to choose one of the following options:

  • Reveal the name: allows CIAL Dun & Bradstreet to reveal during the investigation process that your company is conducting an investigation using CIAL's services. It will be an open request.
  • Do not reveal the name: the request will stay anonymous during the investigation process. It will be a closed request.
CIAL tip

Disclosing your name increases the chances that the investigated company will share complete information.

How can I use filters to locate a report?

In the Reports list, you can apply different filters to easily locate the reports you have requested. Click on the Filters button to open a pop-up window and start selecting your preferred filters.

You can filter by:

  • Request date: select a date range of the request date to see only the reports you ordered during that period of time.
  • Delivery date: select a date range for the delivery date to see only the reports you received during that period of time.
  • Group: to use this filter you must have at least one group. This filter will allow you to see the reports ordered from companies that belong to that group. If the report is not yet available, it will not show on the list.
  • Industry: will allow you to enter the name of the industry you want to filter.
  • Type of report: you can filter by the types of reports you have requested, e.g. view only BIR reports, CFR reports, etc.
  • Report status: to filter by reports that have already been delivered or reports that are stilll pending.
  • Language: allows you to select the reports according to the language in which they were requested, there is an option for English, Portuguese and Spanish.
  • Country: you can filter the reports according to the country of the investigated company.
  • Sorted by (User): if several users generated reports, this filter allows you to view only the reports requested bythe user you select.
  • Ticket ID: enter the unique number of a report request ticket.

Click the Apply filters button to see only the reports that apply to the selected criteria.

To reset the filters, click Clear filters or the Close icon that appears in the name of the specific filter you want to remove.

I can’t request reports, why?

There are two reasons why this could happen:

  • Your contract expired: if this is the case, please get in touch with your business consultant so they can help you with the renewal process.
  • There is an issue with the configuration of your account: if your contract is still active, please open a ticket with our support team and they will provide a solution assoon as possible.

What should I consider before ordering a Comprehensive BIR?

Once you have requested the Comprehensive BIR of a company, if later you need an updated version of that report, you will only be able to download a Commercial BIR; the Request Update option will not be enabled for this type of report.

To request a Comprehensive BIR, the following considerations must be taken into account:

  • The report will only be available if the information has been updated within the last 12 months.
  • The company must have provided its financial statements from the last 6 years or we must have at least 3 payment references in our records.

What can I do on the Portfolio page?

By clicking on the Portfolio icon in the left menu bar or at the bottom, depending on your window size, in the Groups section, you can manage the companies you work with, or you can organize all companies into groups. This feature is very useful for organizing and categorizing companies according to your company's needs and policies, allowing you to customize your experience on the platform. Let's review each element step by step.

  • Groups: displays your groups according to your default view (tile or list), to find out how to create a group go to the How can I create a group section.
  • Views: displays the portfolio panel, either in tile view or as a list.
  • Saved searches: here you can save searches you perform to create groups based on material needs, services, or any other search concept, and then assign them to specific groups and make evaluations.

This section also shows the list My groups with all created groups, which you can access with one click to view the group and the companies it contains in detail. From there, you can:

  • Set a preferred decision flow.
  • Launch a decision for all companies in the group.
  • Request reports.
  • Request a new decision for each company in the group.
  • Change a company’s group.
  • Remove a company from a group (removes the company from your portfolio).
  • Delete a group altogether (decisions previously made with companies in deleted groups will not be removed).
  • Upload files to perform bulk uploads of companies your company will analyze.

What is the internal database?

The internal database allows you to manage emails and comments from a list of companies (group). It helps to make a decision with pre-filled contact information or to request reports in bulk by considering the comments.

To use this functionality, it is recommended to have a group created on the platform.

How to use?

Go to Internal database in the Portfolio section, then click Import database.

You can add a company database to CIAL360 by uploading a .csv file. There are two options to do this:

First option: use the template file available in CIAL360. The D-U-N-S Number column is required. With this option you have to download the template and fill out the file with the DUNS, company name, email and comments of the companies whose data you want to auto-save.

Second option: create a .csv file from an existing group. If this option is selected, you must choose the group, export the file and fill out the emails and comments according for each company on the list.

Once you have ready the .csv with the email and/or comment data, either with the first or second option, you must upload the file and click on the Upload CSV file button. When a decision is made or a report is requested, the companies that were uploaded will already have the information pre-filled.

What is a group?

Groups allow you to create a list of companies. You can name this list of companies according to any order or classification you require to have better control of your portfolio. This functionality is in the Portfolio section, and you will also be able to see the last used groups on your Home page.

You can perform the following actions with a group:

  • Add a company to a group.
  • Upload a group of companies to a group with a .csv file.
  • Define a preferred segment, this action is useful if you want to evaluate companies in a group with the same decision segment.
  • Start segment requestsby bulk or individual upload and start an evaluation for all companies in the group.
  • Request reports by clicking the button to request reports for several companies, and select the language and your preferences.
  • Request the report of a company individually.
  • Move a company to another group. It is possible to have the same company in multiple groups.
  • Remove a company from the group.
  • Use the group filter when you are viewing the Reports section.

How can I create a group?

There's two ways to create a new group:

From your Portolio
  1. Go to the Portfolio section, then select the Groups option.
  2. Click the + New group button and enter the name.
  3. Click the Create button.
From a company's page
  • If you are inside a company's page, at the top you will find a gray button called + Add.
  • Click the + Add button.
  • Enter the new name of the group you want to create, press Enter.

How can I add companies to a group?

Inside a company's page at the top are two buttons available: + Add and New decision request. The + Add button allows you to add that company to an existing group or to a new one.

Select the + Add button.

  • If you already have a group created, choose the name of the group or groups where you want this company to be.
  • If the group has not been created, type the name for the new group and press Enter.

How can I upload a batch of companies to a group?

If you have a large portfolio of companies or suppliers that you need to search, request reports or initiate decisions, you can do a mass upload to carry out these actions.

  1. Go to the Portfolio section, then click on Groups and select the File Uploads option.
  2. Click the blue button on the left side labeled Upload CSV File, and download the CSV template.
  3. Fill out the template with the data of the companies you are going to upload. Some columns are required to successfully upload your file, such as: DUNS number, company name, country, and Tax ID.
  4. Give this upload a name and upload the file in CSV format. You can upload a maximum of 500 companies at a time.
  5. Click the Upload CSV file button.

NOTE: you will get better results if your file contains a DUNS Number. The country must follow the ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 standard (e.g. BRA, MEX, PER).

How can I change the name of a group?

In the Groups section of your Portfolio, at the top you will find two formats to view your groups: list or mosaic.

List view

In this view you can view and organize your groups by name, number of companies, creation date, and last update. Click the pencil icon to change the name, write the new name and press enter.

Tile view

In this view you will see the groups as a mosaic, it will show the name of the group, the number of companies, the last update and who was the user who created that group. Click the three dots, select the Change name option, and click the green check button.

How can I rename a bulk list?

In the Portfolio section, click the Uploads tab.

List view
  1. Click the edit icon next to the name.
  2. Replace the name with the new one and press Enter.
Mosaic view
  1. Click the three dots on the card, select the Change name option.
  2. Replace the name with the new one and click the green button.

What is the decision engine?

The decision engine allows you to create standardized processes for your client portfolio according to their segmentation, align your business policies and generate information that allows you to accelerate and prioritize business growth.

In addition, it allows you to link the teams involved in decision-making, have better monitoring and have visibility of each credit evaluation action that they begin.

What is business Decisioning? Click here to learn more.

NOTE: only users with the administrator role will have the option to configure segments.

How to configure the decision engine?

Only users with the administrator role will have the option to configure their segments or workflows. The segment or workflow is structured with the following elements:

  • Initial form: a decision will always have one initial form. The objective is to identify the applying company.
  • Evaluation sources: at least one, and any number of evaluation sources can be added, regardless of source type. The goal is to collect data and deal with the people and policies or variables of the evaluation.
  • Personalized Message: configurable email based on the client's needs. You can add the client's logo or a message tailored to the business objectives of each company.
  • Final approval: when evaluation sources are approved/rejected, there is a final decision by one or more responsible parties. The purpose is to close the decision with a result.

What are rules and variables?

The variables and rules functionality allows you to include the credit policy of an organization in CIAL360, automating and streamlining credit decisions. These features are configured in the construction of the segment.

  • Variables: they are mathematical operations that help the organization make decisions according to its current policy. For example: Risk limit = necessary credit * corrective indexes. It is important that the field with which the variable will be generated is mandatory within the questionnaire.
  • Rules: possible scenarios configured through a previously established data and/or variable, which will execute a recommended or determining decision. For example: If Paydex is equal to 20 = recommend rejecting the credit.

How to launch a decision?

The decision engine allows you to create standardized processes for your client portfolio according to their segmentation, align your business policies and generate information that allows you to accelerate and prioritize business growth. Once you configure a segment, it is ready to use.

To make a decision:

  1. Find the company to which the evaluation will be triggered. Click on the company.
  2. Select the New decision request button. Here you will see the list of the segments that you have already configured.
  3. Select the segment that corresponds to your evaluation, click the Continue button and fill out the initial form (only applies if you configured more fields).
  4. Add the email of the person or people that should receive the evaluation and click Send.

To see the progress of your evaluations, go to Decision Requests in the main menu.

What is a public link?

This feature allows you to send a flow externally to the applicant, in order to start the evaluation outside the CIAL360 platform.

The public link can be extracted once a segment has been created. Click on the three dots of the segment, then select Share public link. You have 4 options to use this link:

  • Copy public link.
  • Download the QR code.
  • Add the emails of the people that will receive the invitation.
  • Embed HTML code

What is the Documents Management feature in the Insights section?

The documents management feature allows customers to store and associate documents with specific business partners. The system supports manual uploads and automatic deliveries from business partners.

What functionalities does it offer?

  • Initiate approval workflows for uploaded documents.
  • Edit documents on the final page of the workflow.
  • Manage document-related tasks and deadlines.
  • View document statuses in the portfolio Insights, Documents Management section (e.g., "expired," "expires in 45 days," "valid").

How are documents categorized?

  • Financial and fiscal: for recording, verifying, and controlling financial and fiscal transactions.
  • Legal and registration: for legal and administrative purposes to maintain accurate records and fulfill legal obligations.
  • Governance and compliance: for corporate governance and compliance with laws and regulations, ensuring ethical and legal operations.

Can users customize document lists?

Yes, users can create their own documents and add them to the list, in addition to using the pre-defined lists suggested for Brazil, Mexico, and global territories.

How can documents be configured in workflows?

  • Users can define whether a document is mandatory.
  • Set expiration dates as mandatory, optional, or not required.
  • Assign a severity label (critical, medium, high) that will be visible on the Final page of the workflow and Documents Management.

What information is available on the final page of the workflow?

Document expiration date (if applicable), severity, document name, and a download link. Users can modify documents, with changes logged including the user's name, modification date, and document details.

What can users see on the Documents Management Insights page?

All documents in the company's portfolio captured by workflows. Filters for results by company groups, industries, countries, document severity, expiration status, and document period dates.

How are document statuses summarized?

  • Expired: companies with at least one document past its expiration date.
  • Expires within 45 days: companies without expired documents but with at least one document expiring within 45 days.
  • Valid: companies with no expired documents and none expiring within 45 days.

How are these statuses organized?

Statuses are displayed in a table by company groups, showing companies in each expiration status category. Companies are listed with the total number of documents and their expiration status. Users can expand each company to view document details and expiration dates.

What is the purpose of selecting document statuses in the workflow?

This feature is designed to streamline the process of updating documents for multiple companies according to their status within CIAL360. It allows users to select specific companies, apply a workflow, and choose which document statuses should be updated during the workflow execution. This ensures that only relevant documents are addressed, improving efficiency and eliminating unnecessary steps.

How can I select companies for document updates?

For the Documents, Company page, and Groups pages: you can select one or more companies from the list provided on these pages. Your selections will be clearly indicated on the interface, ensuring that you know which companies are included in the update process.

What happens after I select the companies?

For the Decision list: you will be directed straight to the workflow selection screen.

For the Documents, Company page, and Groups pages: after selecting the companies, you can proceed to the workflow selection screen by clicking the Continue button.

How can I choose a workflow to apply to the selected companies?

In the workflow selection screen you will see a list of available workflows that can be applied to the selected companies. Select a workflow from the list and click the Continue button to advance to the document status selection.

What is the document status selection and when does it appear?

After selecting a workflow, you will be directed to the initial form page, where the document status selection will be displayed. If the selected workflow does not include any document-type evaluation sources, the document status selection will not appear, and only the initial form will be displayed.

What document status options are available for selection?

The following status options are available:

  • All documents: all document statuses will be updated.
  • Expired: only documents with an expiration date prior to the current date will be updated.
  • Expires within 45 days: only documents with an expiration date within the next 45 days will be updated.
  • Valid: documents with an expiration date for today or in the future, or documents without an expiration date, will be updated.

You can select one or more of these status options as needed.

What happens if no document status is selected?

For workflows that include only document-type evaluation sources, a complete request communication (all statuses) will be sent to the applicant, and a decision will be created in the user’s CIAL360 decision list.

For workflows that include both document-type evaluation sources and other sources requiring applicant interaction (e.g., questionnaires), document-type evaluation sources will be requested (all statuses), following the standard communication process.

For workflows where document-type evaluation sources have never been requested before, if this type is the only evaluation source for the workflow, no decision will be created, and the process will not occur.

How will I know if the workflow was successfully initiated?

After initiating the workflow, you will receive a confirmation message indicating that it was successfully started.

What are Portfolio Insights?

Portfolio Insights provide a macro view of the financial risks associated with your portfolio. This section offers an in-depth understanding of your portfolio companies through CIAL's key financial risk indicators.

How are the data collected and presented?

The data are meticulously collected from evaluations of financial reports submitted to the platform, ensuring accuracy and relevance. The information is presented in a user-friendly manner to provide a panoramic view of your portfolio, enabling efficient identification of potential risks and opportunities.

What is the significance of risk ratings?

Risk ratings are derived from comprehensive financial risk reports, categorizing companies into low, medium, or high risk groups for easy understanding. This allows quick identification of the financial risk level of each company in your portfolio with precision and reliability.

How can I filter the information?

You can filter by risk group, business activity, country, and date to tailor the data according to your specific needs. These filters facilitate a clearer and more detailed view of your portfolio.

What is the risk level table by group?

This fundamental tool organizes financial risk data according to user-defined groups, providing insights into the distribution of risks among portfolio companies. Clicking on data in the table opens a modal with corresponding group details and a list of companies meeting the selected condition.

How are the risk charts beneficial?

Various charts visualize the financial risk level of your portfolio, including a pie chart showing the proportion known versus unknown risk levels, a stacked column chart illustrating risk level distribution over months, and more. These charts aid in understanding risk distribution across industries, workflow decisions, company founding years, and data age.

What is the risk level data table by company?

This table lists detailed information about each company in your portfolio, including name, tax ID, DUNS number, groups, business activity, country, and risk level. It allows for easy extraction of data in Excel format and customization of column visibility for comfortable visualization.

How can I utilize the extracted data?

The extracted data can be used for further analysis and decision-making processes, providing valuable insights wherever necessary.